"Dear readers,
(This post is just a short tale of my life until now, which has been suddenly filled with not so good moments. To be precise, it is a time when I am stranded, and am unsure on how to react.)

It feels weird but can’t help feeling this eeriness that has suddenly crept into my nerves right now. It feels strange, sad and quite unacceptable. And.....what am I talking about? Well.....have you ever felt neglect, all of a sudden? Have you ever felt abandoned, all of a sudden? Have you ever felt unloved, all of a sudden? I have been feeling all of the above in the past 5 days. Definitely, who does not feel that way when circumstances go awry and time goes bad? I guess, am no different. And now, with no energy to think sanely, I just feel like rewinding time to reminisce a few memories from past to make myself feel better.....
.....I remember having come into this beloved home of mine in 1984. Back then, I was quite an apple in everyone’s eye. I loved crowd a lot and especially kids. Kids have this trait of getting along well very easily. They are so impressionable, amicable and so pure. In fact, I have always been the happiest in their company. And to sum it all, let's say, days of youth are always worth remembering. And back then, I was a beauty. I was definitely a cynosure of people's eyes and have been so for years. Never a day passed, when I was not woken up and greeted a very good morning with a smiling face, or was not put to sleep without a love filled good night. In times to come, I evolved into an urban kind and I definitely had it high flying. As a matter of fact, when you are given so much importance in life, you feel blessed, happy and content. There is nothing more one could ask for. There was always a lot of love and care in this home that made me oblivious to any emotion of the other kind. Even when I fell sick, I was tended to, immediately. Love can work wonders. Sometimes, even while you are sick, love cures half of your ailment. And my body was no exception. It has always responded and still responds to love like magic. For me, just an acknowledgement of my existence and achievement is all I need to live life in full health and with a peace of mind.....
.....But then, something happened. Peace of mind suddenly became a misnomer and here I am giving a piece of mind about what has happened......Around 5 days back, I suddenly fell in a trance.....I felt someone squeeze my throat and then, there was a sound - 'cluck'. After that, everything went blank, though my sub conscious mind was taking a note of whatever was happening. What I felt was a sudden drop in my pulse rate. And in that debilitating state, I still remained oblivious to the cause. What was even more shocking, rather than surprising was, not one soul had come and checked me, as to why I had not gotten up. The sudden shock of abandonment combined with the physical pain was so excruciating that my thinking had reached a dead end. Suddenly no one was bothered, or rather I could not see much around me. Too many cryptic thoughts were taking shape and one of them was chiding me, 'More than 2 decades of your existence in this home, your contribution to this family in their hours of happiness and gloom alike, your sense of companionship in all good and bad times is being repaid with what? Absolute indifference.....?'
The pain of having to co-exist with friends-turned-strangers is so insanely cruel.....Have the inmates of my beautiful home really forgotten me? Oh God, Please don’t let this be.....”
P.S: The pain stricken narrator of the above post is my 26 inched SONY television that broke down all of a sudden on 26th October (Dot on the day of Diwali).
And I felt like giving it a piece of my mind too.....
“Dear Television,

We do miss you a lot. Well, off late we have been availing your services day and night non stop that somewhere down the line, we just took you for granted and failed to take a notice of your already deteriorating health (your Start Button has been giving undue problems for the past 1 year, which my mom had told me time and again not to press too hard). And you know me well. I seem to have this dangerous combo of forgetfulness and compulsive disobedience, that I precisely did what my mother had asked me not to do. And so on the day of Diwali, I pressed your start button so hard, that you just choked until you couldn't blink with that white light of yours! Yes, you did not get up. Or rather, let me put it this way, you have been in a vegetable state for the past 5 days. Now, don't give me that dirty look! I know, I am the culprit but what I did was definitely not an act of deliberation. I can vouch for that. What made me reply to your 'heart-wrenching', 'sympathy-seeking' post, is that I have been going through a lot too, ever since you went comatose! You perhaps, have no idea how much you are being mourned here, and how much I have been reprimanded/taunted/thrown dirty looks at, persistently for making my mother miss that exclusive ‘Solomon papaya’s Pattimandram’ on Sun Tv (on the day of Diwali), the regular Asianet Star Singer programme (on weekdays) and the musical programmes that are aired on DD Podhigai every morning. And there, my dad has already started using my quota time on Internet, saying I have been the cause of his not being updated with his Sensex news on NDTV Profit and that he could have done better with his share market and mutual fund activities, had I not pressed your 'Start' button so hard. And now, if you want to know if I have missed you in any way, I probably would have, had not I been treated with so much of scorn and taunts for making you sick! Of course, someone truly named you an Idiot box.....
But then, I harbor no ill feelings. You definitely have given me great company back in school days, seducing me every now and then with your action packed thriller movies and programmes full of musical karaoke, even in times when board exams loomed over my head as daggers ready to strike. Yet, I have just been kind enough, preferring you to those crappy exams! So, trust me.....you are going to be just fine. As you know, here in Gujarat, shops remain closed for 5 days post Diwali, until La panchami. Tomorrow as all shops will be open for business, your doc man will be en route soon to get you back to your real self. And please stop acting as if you are already dead! You better not be for that matter! Coz, you are being missed a tad too much and you sure will be pampered once you are back! So, till then take a ....."