Swimming in an ocean of thoughts.....

Ask me no questions and i shall tell you no lies :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Solitary dawn..... ~ A dawn of 2008

Time was passing by slowly, may be as slowly as the weather changing its appearance…..It was pretty cold outside. A thick blanket of mist had settled down on the window pane of the bus I was traveling in for the last 8 hours, making it almost impossible to view anything outside the window. The road ahead looked derelict giving the feeling of those roads haunted by Highway men in the many fictions that I had read. There was almost no one on the road. One or two pedestrian could be seen once in a while. I was just peering into the unfathomable darkness that was dimly brightened by the road lights and the radium detectors of the highway. The darkness was mysterious as if it had many things to say.....The moon and the evening star still lit up the sky as their Sun-ny boy was just about to get up.....

Then as I gently shifted the curtains of the window more to its right to have a wider view, I could see a thin ray of light coming from the distant horizon that pierced though the clouds of darkness and squeezws through the mist giving the mist a translucent appearance. Tiny droplets of dew then settled down on the window pane which served no less than a morning mirror. And in a few minutes, the saffron tinge that was indistinguishable in the morning darkness, suddenly lit up the sky conspicuously. 

The day had just dawned…..

P.S: This post is dated : 08-01-08 and also my first post on my blog!



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